The Social Media Angle

Publicity Tip #67

Most writers want to spend as little time as possible on social media so they can get back to what’s important… writing their next book! But your social connection is important – finding your personal balance in that world might not be easy.

Here’s one helpful suggestion:

Use your own (or royalty free) images to make a powerful statement.

Seems simple enough but what does that mean?

typing-testTake the time to find an image that:

inspires you

relates to a character or concept in your book

reminds you of a scene you have/are/will be writing

speaks to you on a personal level

states a universal truth (for those images with/without words/quotes)

You can pin this image on pinterest with your own quote or thoughtful phrase; you can post it on your website and write 200-400 words to elaborate on the idea; you can tweet the image with a link to your website and ask a poignant question to entice readers to connect/respond; you can look at a writerly or debatable aspect of the same image/idea and write 200-ish words on G+ to accompany it and link over to it from one or more of the LinkedIn writing groups you belong to; you can talk about all the feedback you’ve received on this one image/idea on your facebook author page later in the day…

The key is to take one jumping-off point and give it just enough of a spin for each platform to ensure that you’re not saying the exact same thing over and over again… your cross-platform followers won’t appreciate the repetition but will be interested in how one simple image can do so much for you.

Images are strong marketing and publicity pulls – use them to your advantage to gain and keep your social following 🙂

My current favourite royalty free site is

Categories: Publicity

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2 replies

  1. Just wondering if you created the image you’ve used to illustrate your point here? Because it is a good article with great suggestions, but the image looks a little too generic/produced. I might have to go snap a few pictures now.


    • Unfortunately I did not have time to develop my own image for this post. This is an open creative commons image I thought best described the havoc our fingers face with trying to manage social media and our own writing 🙂 I hope you enjoy your picture taking! Incorporating fun into “work” makes it feel less dreary 😉

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