Interview Guidelines


Interview MicsPlease be sure to submit a query prior to completing the Author Interview template below.  The site administrator would like to sample your book before a request is granted.  This is just to make certain that the material being publicized falls within the requirements of the site’s preferred content. 

Use this opportunity to briefly introduce yourself, suggest timelines to coincide with a book launch or sale, and connect with the administrator on a human level before conducting business. 

Much obliged.

When you have received confirmation to submit an interview, complete the questions below and email them using MS Word .doc formatting.  If you are a Mac user and are unable to convert your file, save to .rtf.  Label your file “An Interview with ____(pen name)___”.

Please send a brief biography, picture, book blurb, and cover image to be included with the interview.

Questions Template


An Interview with _________________ Author __________________

                                                (your genre)                            (your pen name)


1) Describe the moment that launched you on your writing journey.


2) How has your ‘day job’ or post-secondary schooling influenced your writing?  What are the main influences to your writing?


3) How instrumental was your support group (family, friends, colleagues) in making this book a reality? 


4) What were the most challenging aspects of bringing your book to life?


5) What is the fundamental message you would like readers to walk away with after reading your work?


6) Who is your favourite character?  Describe an interesting moment in the development of this character.


7) What was the most difficult scene for you to write?  Try to describe your efforts without revealing too much or ‘spoiling’ the moment for future readers.


8) What insight can you give regarding the publishing industry and the route you chose for publication (traditional publishing vs. self-publishing).


9) What have you found to be the most challenging aspect of publicizing yourself and your work?


** Feel free to develop up to 3 more questions of your own to help personalize the interview.

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